Sunday, November 13, 2011

Active, creative self-expression...

... is critical to childbirth preparation.  And it is really beneficial for life in general.

Making art slows down fleeting images, allowing us to really see and know how we see things. People who discount or dismiss the importance of art-making in prenatal preparation are probably people who feel uncomfortable making art themselves. They often argue that millions of women have given birth without ever having made any art during pregnancy. That is true, but it doesn't mean it is "right." Birth Art is a vehicle that brings parents from their outside knowing to their inner knowing. It is an organic and enjoyable form of learning, unsurpassed by any other method. - Birthing from Within

Birthing from Within Classes allow parents to engage in creative self-expression through birth art.  Birth art is a part of the class that people are often either intrigued by or terrified of.  First, let's clarify what we are talking about with birth art.  It is:
  • For the purpose of learning about yourself, finding new ways of thinking about yourself and your birth.
  • Not art therapy.  The only person who looks at your art is you.
  • Different for everyone.
  • Not supposed to be pretty.  It is not 'supposed' to be anything.  
  • Helpful in preparing for birth and parenthood, because it usually doesn't go the way you planned it in your head, but even more marvelous things happen than you could have imagined.
Even though I am not pregnant, I get to do lots of art in preparation for mentoring my Birthing from Within classes.  The idea is that everything I ask parents to do, I am doing twice as much of.  So if I ask parents in my class to draw their 'Strongest Image of Birth' as the assignment for a class one week, I am drawing that assignment or something similar twice.  

Doing the same assignments several times allows me to let go of some of the associations or 'stories' I am telling myself about certain aspects of pregnancy and birth.  Every time I draw something the images are different and new questions come up.  Sometimes little questions about what to ask parents in my class after a certain art assignment and sometimes big questions that help me to understand and put aside my own judgments and biases.

The Birthing from Within book has some of the art assignments in it, but the best way to experience the art is in a class setting.  Whether you draw and paint on a regular basis, or you haven't picked up a crayon since kindergarten, the birth art process will teach your something about yourself.

This belly cast is not something that we do in a class, but it is something you can experiment with.  It is decorated with henna, which women around the world have used to decorate their bodies in order to celebrate major life events such as birth.

My friend Kim Strom did the henna decoration.  You can find her on facebook under 'Henna by Kimberley'.  She does blessingways, baby showers and plain old henna parties.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could take your classes! I have the book, but have not been doing much birth art. However, I just invited some girlfriends over to paint my belly! Love it!!
