Overall, I enjoyed the book too, although it was not as clear and well written as some other books that provide an overview of birth options, such as Ina May's Guide to Childbirth
"This book will serve as a reminder that giving birth is something that women instinctually know how to do, and that you can tap into your own innate sense of power to take back the birth experience."
This idea of taking back the birth experience is central to this book and central to what I try to do as a doula. Instead of being passive consumers, pregnant women and couples are actively preparing for birth, researching options, educating themselves about childbirth and preparing emotionally as well as physically for the experience of giving birth. A doula can help you with this, but ultimately the responsibility for preparing is that of the pregnant woman.
In Your Best Birth they talk about the role the fear plays in undermining labour. Mammals will stop labouring if they feel threatened and this is also true of humans. In a hospital setting, with bright lights, medical procedures and interruptions, some women will find their labour slowing down or even stopping completely. They experience a spike in catocholamines (such as adrenaline and cortisol) and this inhibits their ability to produce their own oxytocin (which creates strong contractions). So artificial oxytocin (pitocin) can be used, which results in extremely intense, sometimes painful contractions that can cause fetal distress.
Another way that fear can affect labour is if there are unresolved issues or concerns the mother feels going into the labour. Some questions they suggest asking include:
- What was your initial response when you realized you were pregnant? Have their been any changes in your attitude or feeling since then?
- How has this pregnancy affected your relationship with your partner and other family members?
- If you have given birth previously, what was it like for you? Is there anything you would change if you could? Is there anything you do similarly the next time you give birth?
- How do you envision the birth of this baby? What is important to you? Who will be present at the birth?
Lake and Epstein comment that women are people pleasers by nature, and this sometimes means that we will worry about how everyone else feels before meeting our own needs. In birth, we must put ourselves first in order to make sure the birth is what we want.
This is key when choosing our support people. The authors suggest having people at the birth who you trust completely, who approve of your birth plan and who you won't be self-conscious being naked around.
At the Lethbridge Hospital, woman are usually allowed only two support people, including their partner/husband. What that means is that pregnant women need to choose between having their mother or a doula. This can be a difficult choice, as a doula has all kinds of tools that a family member might not have. Then again, a mother might know her daughter really well, or maybe her sister had a great birth and could be extremely helpful. I think this something where a pregnant women should trust her instincts. As long as the person they choose will be able to really support them, that is what matters the most.
What about partners or husbands who are afraid for their spouse or not supportive of her choices? It is so important that the role of researching and preparing for the birth is a joint role. Also, a doula can really help the father, both in preparation and during the birth experience. As a doula, I hope the partner will be the primary support person, with me providing suggestions, reassurance and comfort techniques that he can use.
Your Best Birth
This book is a strongly slanted towards natural birth and especially home birth with a midwife. It can be frustrating to Lethbridge mothers, as this is not currently an option in our community. The are no licensed midwives based here and the midwives working in Calgary have waiting lists for Calgary clients and are not usually willing to take clients from Lethbridge. Hopefully that will change in the near future.
The most important thing to remember is preparation. Knowing what you want your birth to be like and having a team (possibly including your partner, family members and/or doula) who are on the same page with you. It can be important to have a doctor that you trust, but it is also important to remember that your doctor will likely be present only at the very end of your birth and many doctors (both family doctors and obstetricians) take turns being on-call, so your own doctor might not be at your birth. You need to ask your doctor about this, if it is important to you.
From the last paragraph of Your Best Birth:
"...when women feel safe and empowered around their own births, they are able to bond with their babies and enter motherhood from a place of strength and security. We have a long way to go toward making this a reality for every expectant mother, but through sharing information that will support woman through this journey, we are moving closer. Our babies will thank us."
Overall, an inspiring book and well worth the read. I also recommend the film, especially for couples to watch together.
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