Thursday, June 21, 2012

Quinoa Salad

Quinoa is basically superfood. It is a complete protein by itself, tastes amazing and is gluten free.

It can be used in place of rice, in salads, in stir-fries and as hot cereal.

It cooks in 15 minutes on the stove, or you can sprout it first by putting it in a glass jar and covering with water. Put cheesecloth over the top and secure with a rubber band. Soak it overnight or for at least 8 - 12 hours. In the morning, rinse and drain the jar well. There should not be water left sitting in the jar.

Leave the jar in a cool, dark place while the quinoa sprouts. Make sure to rinse and drain the quinoa every 6 - 8 hours. The quinoa will be done sprouting in about 48 hours.

They have large bags of organic quinoa for about $10 at Costco.
My quinoa salads are often a combination of quinoa and whatever I have in my fridge/garden for veggies.  Below is an example, and I hope that you will experiment.  Everything is optional with the exception of the quinoa (although you can substitute bulgur, brown rice or couscous) and some kind of acid - lemon or vinegar usually.

In a large bowl mix:

1-2 cups of Quinoa - either sprouted or cooked.
1-2 cups of black or kidney beans (1 can)1-2 carrots grated
1 pepper - finely chopped
2-3 cups of spinach, lettuce and other greens - raw and chopped
2-3 green onions
Fresh herbs - cilantro, oregano, chives, mint, thyme, cilantro, parsley. (1 or 2)
Lemon juice to taste
Olive or sesame oil (or whatever oil you like)
Sea salt and pepper to taste
Hot sauce
Feta Cheese

It tastes the best if you make it and let it sit for an hour or two and marinate.  Lasts 3-4 days in the fridge.

I like to get a variety of colours with the vegetables.  Red lettuce, different coloured peppers.  You can also use peas, corn, green beans, cucumbers or whatever you have.

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