In honour of Father's Day, I decided to write about this Birthing from Within principle.

Birthing from Within Classes and doula support recognizes that fathers are also going through a rite of passage and major life change that is parallel to, and different from, the mother's experience. Birthing from Within Classes provide a special class for fathers,that address their different needs. Read more about how Birthing from Within helps fathers...
The main role of the father during birth is to simply be present for the mother, to focus all of his attention and love on her. Many dads learn that their role at the birth is to 'do something', whether that means negotiating with hospital staff, getting ice chips or doing a certain kind of massage for the mom. While there are times during the birth that specific tasks may be required, the thing that moms remember most is a sense of their partner being present emotionally. The father's preparation is sometimes about unlearning -- letting go of the instinct to solve a problem or fix something and instead learn to let the mother experience the intensity of labour, simply being there for her and recognizing the birth as the transformative experience it is.
Birthing from Within pain-coping practices (learned in a class) can help the parents stay connected to each other and gives the father something 'useful' to do that maintains and intensifies their emotional connection.
Having a doula or other female support person present is an excellent way to allow the parents to focus inward on the birth, while the doula gets the ice chips! Doulas can also help direct dad if he is uncertain about what might help the mother and give him a break if he needs to leave for a few minutes to centre himself. Read this article about how doulas help...
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