(I have added my comments/suggestions in italics to the original article - EC)
Pregnancy is a critical time. A mother’s chemical exposures can adversely affect her baby in many ways. Here are
some simple but important steps you can take to reduce the risks during pregnancy - and beyond.
EC - It is important to do the best you can. Sometimes we get so obsessed with following 'rules' put out in baby books, by our doctors, families or in articles like this, that it ends up increasing our stress. There is a lot to be said for trusting our common sense and taking what works for us and leaving the rest. Many of these tips apply not only to pregnancy, but can be adopted every day.
- Go organic and eat fresh foodsUse EWG's Shoppers Guide to Pesticides to determine which fruits and veggies you should always buy organic and those with the least pesticide residue that are ok to buy conventionally grown. Choose milk and meat produced without added growth hormones. Limit canned food, since can linings usually contain the synthetic estrogen called bisphenol A (BPA).EC - Many farms in Southern Alberta sell pesticide free produce and hormone free, free range meat, that is not certified organic, but still a healthy, sustainable choice. Check out Broxburn Vegetables and Harris Farms for two great options.
- Drink safer waterIt's important for pregnant women to drink plenty of water. Use a reverse osmosis system or carbon filter pitcher to reduce your exposure to impurities such as chlorine, perchlorate and lead. Don't drink bottled water, which costs more and isn't necessarily better. If you're out and about, use a stainless steel, glass or BPA-free plastic reusable container. Mix infant formula with fluoride-free water. Get EWG's Safe Drinking Water Guide.EC - Exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months is the healthiest choice for babies. There have been some studies that show toxins appearing in breast milk, but they are at far lower amounts than toxins present in formula. Following some of these tips, can also decrease the level of toxins in your breastmilk
- Eat low-mercury seafoodChoose low-mercury fish such as salmon, tilapia and pollock, rather than high-mercury tuna and swordfish.
- Get your iodineUse iodized salt, especially while pregnant and nursing, and take iodine-containing vitamins. Iodine buffers against chemicals such as perchlorate that can disrupt your thyroid system and affect your baby’s brain development during pregnancy and infancy.
- Choose better body care productsJust because the label says "gentle" or "natural" doesn't mean a product is safe for pregnancy. Look your products up on EWG's CosmeticsDatabase.com. Read the ingredients and avoid triclosan, fragrance and oxybenzone. Read EWG's Healthy Home Tips for more tips.EC - Also watch out for parabens, sodium laurel/laureth sulfate and parfum (another word for fragrance). Shop at stores that are consciously selling healthy products for you and your children. In Lethbridge, check out Naturistas (424 7th Street South) and Ecobaby Canada.
- Wash maternity clothes before wearingClothing is often coated with chemical treatments in the factory.EC - Many baby clothes (especially sleepers) are treated with flame retardants. Choosing 100% cotton (especially organic cotton) clothes that fit well is a good choice. Always wash all baby clothes, car seat covers, blankets, baby carriers, etc. Before using them. Use a mild, fragrance-free deter
- Identify lead sources and avoid themTest your tap water for lead and avoid any home remodeling if your house was built before 1978, when lead house paint was banned. Dust from sanding old paint is a common source of lead exposure.
- Avoid painting.When getting your nursery ready, avoid painting and other chemical-intensive jobs.EC - If you must paint or remodel while pregnant, get someone else to do the work and try and stay somewhere else to avoid chemical exposure. Use VOC free paint, which you can buy at most paint stores.
- Clean greenerHousehold cleaners, bug killers, pet treatments and air fresheners can irritate kids’ and babies’ lungs – especially if they have asthma. Check out less toxic alternatives. Some ideas: vinegar in place of bleach, baking soda to scrub your tiles, hydrogen peroxide to remove stains. Use a wet mop/rag and a HEPA-filter vacuum to get rid of dust – which can contain contaminants. Leave shoes – and the pollutants they track inside -- at the door.
Get EWG’s Tips for Greener Home Cleaning.
- Avoid gasoline fumesAsk for your partner's help to fill the gas tank, or use full service..
- Pick plastics carefullySome plastics contain toxic chemicals, including BPA and phthalates. Don't reuse single-use containers or microwave food in plastic containers. Avoid PVC by hanging a natural-fabric shower curtain. When remodeling, go with PVC-free flooring and pipes. Learn more about choosing safer plastics.EC - even though some plastics are recyclable, they often end up in the landfill. Even the for the supposedly non-toxic plastics, we don't really know, because chemicals need to be proven unsafe to be taken off the market, so instead of plastics, think about using alternatives, like glass and stainless steel.
This book expands on the points covered in this article and includes information on being green with your new baby too.
A great guide that includes pregnancy, babyhood and beyond.
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